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Cosmic Moment
Beyond Time & Space


Old Friends

Joining Through Time & Space


In all of time there is at one time

the perfect time

for a perfect event...

When this temporal event occurs

and the moment of perfections


Energy is transformed...

Actions and events become positively charged

with the Divine Essence

that infused this Great Event

before time began...

This Cosmic Moment is in my words and thoughts,

a "Bright Moment"...

Full with Love & Light The Cosmic Meeting...

 Old Souls

meeting once again with the

"Miracle of Birth"


Dedicated to Briana & Celeste

KZCRC9  ***  11- 09 -2005


Remember the best

Forget all the rest...

See only that which

can teach one to reach

the best inside

of us...

God gives us all we need

to grow...

 to flow

       to be...

            to see...

We can experience life Joyful and Bright...

Now beyond the dark night,

We go

into the Cosmic Flow...

Rejoicing in our Divine right

to create with our love and Light...

With each Breath we take,

we are as a flowing

Cosmic Lake...

Reaching beyond the confines of

Time and Space...


Dedicated to all that I Love...

I give these words to the God Above...

Thank You for Your Generous Kind Light...

We are The Children Of Light...

The Diamond Light Mind...

You know, that in this Life

I have been tried and tested

over again...

Now you see,

My Eyes are Thine Eyes,

Thine Eyes are My Eyes

Forever in thy Light

Forever Again...

So Mote It Be


KZCRC9    11 - 09 - 2005


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