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Soul Talk



We all have heard much about the "SOUL" these days. We have been blessed to live in these open times, where we can engage in discourse on topics, such as: Spirituality, Soul Life, Mysticism, Metaphysics, Occult, Psychic Abilities, Earth Essence, Cosmic Essence and many other topics.

So what is new now? There is a Mystical Philosophy that states" There is nothing new in the Universe. All matter and Spirit is constantly in change. Each element renews in rebirth."

What a comforting thought. Yet, when change happens Human Beings often are confused and resist change. Why? Often times, in my humble opinion, we are not consulted by the "Powers that Be". When we see the Universe changing and expanding, we can see that God is at work. When we recieve a message from an Earthly source: Like; We are at war, or, guess what "Housing Prices are going to be out of your reach," or "Downsizing will unfortunately cost you your job" or "Sorry there is no money for you and your Family", we can easily feel that we have been living in a different Universe from the one those chosen to represent us live in...

Any person will feel lost and unimportant at that time. This seems to be the nature of our world.

Yet deep inside we know it is a "Living Paradise" that is for all Human Beings and Animals, elements, etc...

Where can we access that Living Paradise?

Our Soul Life is at this time our "Living Paradise" It sounds far away since we have had so many surprises in our lives. Yet our "Soul Life" is right here and now... The next question is how do we get into that Divine Life?

"Knock and The Door Shall Be Opened. Ask and Yea Shall Recieve"...This quote from the Bible has been overlooked for all these years...

Please think about this statement for a few days. Let it germinate in the Conscious Mind and your Being. After you feel comfortable with it, schedule 10 minutes each day to go into Meditation and ask for "The Door To Be Opened to your Soul Life"... Use your own words. Ask your Soul to let you feel the Divinity within. Just be accepting and just Observe. Many things may come to your mind. Just Observe and Give Thanks...



I have promised all of you that we will go on a Journey. I am on that journey with you. The Soul will lead us all.

I am determined to go forward for the " Uplifting of all Minds and The Freeing Of All Souls" It is a Divine Universe and we all are Divine.


 Where there is a Will There is A way...

Please keep your thoughts Pure and With Love For Everyone...

Peace In Light



 This website is growing and with our COMBINED MIND AND ENERGY WE SHALL LEARN AND PREVAIL...AMAN AMAN AMAN...  KZCRC9  0CT0BER  21, 2004  Wishing you all "Sweet Dreams"

Shining Light Are We




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