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Peace Blessing




Long has it been since our hands have touched in Love and togetherness. We have separated in so many ways, driven by outside forces we see not. Long has it been since we blessed each other in Light… Long has it been since my feet have rested upon the Motherland… Our journey has been long and hard… Let us come together as one mind, one heart… Our Father still inside us gives strength… Where will we find the joy we have lost?

Accept my blessing for you all… You are free of darkness and hate… You are blessed in the Light of Love…

Upon your forehead I place the oil of freedom… The cross of Light shall protect you… Accept and receive true vision… Go into the vision of your Love and see me before you, a simple channel of The Creator to bring forth his great Love…

Three times will you be blessed with the oil… See it, feel it, live it… Let Love come forth… Open your Heart and Free your Mind…

You are blessed… You are a Child of Love… The Love of the Creator… All Life is through you and you are through all Life…

You are Divine… Created in the Image of our Father/Mother… Your blessed journey is here on Mother Earth…

Each time you touch our Mother with your hands or feet she receives our Father who is resident in us…

Take no blood, do no harm… Receive of the gifts Mother has for us… The grains, vegetables, fruits, roots, nuts and flowers… Be blessed and give Love generously…

Please read this simple message once more and prepare to receive the blessing….

Be calm and lift your mind to the Most High…

Be at Peace my Sisters and Brothers…


Peace In Light



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